Bitbucket Server & Datacenter


Arnicaโ€™s Bitbucket Server & Datacenter accesses customers' selected environments to extract the necessary data and take remediation actions.

Integrating with Bitbucket Server / Bitbucket Data Center

Allowing users to specify custom expiry settings

To ensure continuous connection to your Bitbucket Server / Data Center, we recommend you create a token without an automatic expiration date. Bitbucket Server / Data Center may be configured to enforce all tokens to expire after no longer than 1 year. To allow customizing it, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Administration

  2. Go to SYSTEM -> Keys and Tokens

  3. Select No for automatic expiry.

Creating an HTTP access token

  1. Click on your profile picture on the right

  2. Select Manage Account

  3. Under HTTP access tokens, select Create token.

  4. For the best compatibility, select Project Admin, this will allow Arnica to help you follow security best practices and keep your Bitbucket service protected on an ongoing basis including the ability to have one click mitigations.

  5. For Expiry, in order to avoid service disruption, select Do not expire, or set an expiry date and set a reminder to your team to update the Arnica integration details 2 weeks before expiration.

  6. Copy the token and store in a safe place (e.g., a password manager, secrets vault, HSM)

Adding a Bitbucket Server / Data Center integration

  1. Click CONNECT next to Bitbucket Server / Data Center

  1. Fill in the details of your integration.

    • Name โ€“ enter a short unique name to help you identify this sever.

    • Bitbucket Server URL โ€“ the full URL of your server.

    • PAT: the HTTP Access Token you generated on step 9 above.

  1. Click CREATE

Last updated