โŒ›Scheduled Jobs


The arnica Jobs page displays all current and past jobs that have been run within the Arnica. This page also allows the user to re-run any of the jobs on-demand. The page will display the org that the job was run on, the integration type of the associated org, and the job type. It will also display the current status of the job, including running and completed, and the last date that the status was updated. The user can re-run a job by clicking on the running man icon in the right side of the table. The jobโ€™s status will immediately change to pending, and then running when the job has begun. The running man icon will disappear while the job runs and will return when the job has completed.

While a job is running, an alert will be present at the top of the risk page letting the user know that a job is still active, and a link will direct the user to the Jobs page where they can track the progress of the running job. The risk page will update automatically when the job is completed.

Last updated