๐Ÿ›๏ธOkta Integration

This article describes the process of integrating Arnica with Okta SSO

Okta integration instructions

By integrating Arnica with Okta single sign on (SSO) you can ensure that all users authenticating with Arnica are doing so through your organizations-managed Okta provisioning and de-provisioning. The setup of the integration requires taking steps on Arnica and Okta. Below are the details.

Get organization identified in Arnica

  1. Sign into Arnica https://app.arnica.io/ and click on your avatar.

  2. Select Edit Account

  3. Copy the Organization ID (we will call it YOUR_ARNICA_ORGANIZATION_ID in the next steps in this guide).

Add app integration in Okta

The following steps must be completed by an Okta administrator:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://{YOUR_OKTA_ADMIN_DOMAIN}.okta.com/admin/apps/active. For example: https://company-admin.okta.com/admin/apps/active. This page will result in a 404 error if you do not have permissions.

  2. Click on Create App Integration button.

  3. In the dialog that opens, select SAML 2.0

  4. In General Settings, set the following:

    App name: Arnica App logo: you can download the logo from here and upload it to Okta

  5. In Configure SAML -> A: SAML Settings

    1. In General

      A. Single sign-on URL: enter https://arnica-prod.us.auth0.com/login/callback?connection={YOUR_ARNICA_ORGANIZATION_ID}

      B. Audience URI (SP Entity ID): enter urn:auth0:arnica-prod:{YOUR_ARNICA_ORGANIZATION_ID} C. Leave the other fields with their default value.

    2. In โ€œAttribute Statementsโ€: add the following mappings (These statements are case sensitive)

      NameName formatValue













    3. In "Group Attribute Statements": add the following mapping:

      NameName formatFilter



      Starts with: arnica-

      โš ๏ธ IMPORTANT: The filter must match the directory groups, i.e. for the above it will send only groups that start with arnica- (case sensetive)

    4. Click Next (Though the section title says โ€œOptionalโ€ this step is required for Arnica integration)

    5. In Feedback

      A. Are you a customer or partner? Mark โ€œI'm an Okta customer adding an internal appโ€

      B. Leave other fields empty and click Finish

  6. Under Sign On -> Settings -> Sign on methods -> SAML 2.0, click on More details

1. Copy the Sign on URL

2. Download the Signing Certificate

  1. Send the following to support@arnica.io the following information.

    1. Subject: SSO Onboarding Request

    2. Email domain: the domain for which you would like to setup SSO, e.g., yourcompany.com

    3. Arnica Organization ID: your arnica organization ID obtained earlier.

    4. Sign on URL: the Sign on URL from the step above.

    5. Attach the Signing Certificate from the step above.

    6. Leave a contact phone number and available times for Arnicaโ€™s customer success to help with the onboarding process.

    7. We are typically fast at responding to these requests, but please allow up to 1-2 business days to get confirmation.

Last updated